Thinking P'Noy

About WaterMerged

watermerged flowingly silent

Welcome to WaterMerged!

We are interested in publishing articles that are informative and profitable for the common reader. I coined WaterMerged when I noticed that I could no longer open and edit most of my Blogspot blogs. Blogger supports many blogs for one account only. I didn't know it before. Most of my blogs were created under different Google accounts.

Instead of wasting my time googling for a way to open them I decided just to merge my write-ups. I thought of combining them without considering the theme or objective upon which each site was originally designed. It is just like merging water from all sources. Hence, WaterMerged.

Our tagline is Flowingly silent. The idea was to merge all my recoverable write-ups (from "By This Word," "If You Ask Me," "Appreciation is the Key," "Musings of a Believer," etc.) without the tension concerning the differences in the theme for each site.

Thank you for your visit. My desire is to be of service to you.

All is well.

Jun P. Espina